Gregor Hildebrandt Germany, b. 1974

Monographs & Exhibition Catalogues

  • Havranek, Christelle; Goosen, Ivana; Hahn, Friedemann. A Blink of an Eye and the Years Are Behind Us. Kunsthalle Praha, 2022.
  • Hildebrandt, Gregor; Kienbaum, Jochen; Kienbaum, Laura. Pawn. 2020.
  • Mönig, Roland. Sterne streifen die Fluten. Stroemfeld Verlag, 2019.
  • Hildebrandt, Gregor. Tönend hallt die Jugend. Anagram, 2019.
  • Stange, Raimar. Der Himmel im Raum. Berlinische Galerie, 2009.
  • Posnic, Emmanuel. Zum Wohl der Tränen. Almine Rech Gallery, 2007.


Selected Essays & Critical Texts

  • Obrist, Hans Ulrich. Material Echoes: Sound and the Image in Contemporary Art. Fondation Cartier, 2020.
  • Sans, Jérôme. As I Run and Run, Happiness Comes Closer. Hôtel Beaubrun, Paris, 2014.
  • Drühl, Sven. Berlin.Status 1: Contemporary Art from Berlin. Künstlerhaus Bethanien, 2012.
  • Meixner, Christiane. Tausend Meter Kassettenband: Gregor Hildebrandt in der Berlinischen Galerie. Der Tagesspiegel, 2009.
  • Selected Interviews & Conversations
  • Moldan, Tessa. Gregor Hildebrandt Memorialises Sonic Culture. Ocula, 2021.
  • Gassmann, Gay. An Artist Who Turns Music and Movies into Soundless Works. The New York Times, 2014.
  • Schwilden, Frédéric. Geistreiche Tonbandbeschwörung. Die Tageszeitung, 2021.
  • Zöllner, Michael. Alicja Kwade und Gregor Hildebrandt im Wunderland. B.Z., 2012.
  • Critical Reviews & Exhibition Essays
  • Tan, Dion. Gregor Hildebrandt Revamps Cassettes at Perrotin. Artinfo, 2014.
  • MacAdam, Barbara A. Vasari Diary: Gregor Hildebrandt’s Vast Collection of Sonic Memories. ARTnews, 2018.
  • Schwilden, Frédéric. The Cassette Tape as Archive: Gregor Hildebrandt at Kunsthalle Praha. Die Welt, 2022.