Publication: Tom Van Puyvelde. Variantes

Text by Domenico De Chirico

"We could compare Van Puyvelde’s approach to painting to an instinctive, all-encompassing vision, a careful and patient observation of a small plot of land where every is silent, but where everything is happening at once, where the wind varies, the lights move, and where that which often remains in its place suddenly seems to be no longer there." These are the words used by art critic Domenico de Chirico to describe the work of Belgian artist Tom Van Puyvelde.


To delve deeper into his artistic philosophies and methodologies, the publication ‘Variantes’ was released, chronicling his solo exhibition held in Provence during the summer of 2023. This publication serves not only as a record of his artistic evolution but also as an insight into the foundational themes that permeate his work.”


Publisher: Borgerhoff & Lamberigts

Publication type: Paperback / softback

Date: 2023

10 July 2023